Non-Woven Single Wine Bottle Bags


Wine and dine your clients with this non-woven vineyard one bottle wine bag! This handy bag is made of non-woven polypropylene and makes carrying a bottle along with you much easier. Whether you're bringing a gift for the host of a get-together, having a picnic in the park, or bringing a bottle along to your dinner reservation, you will be thrilled to have this bag with you. Easy to carry and available in an assortment of colors, this wine bag is a significant upgrade from the paper bag that comes with the bottle. Order a minimum of 50 pieces for a product that will carry your brand to new places! The product price may fluctuate with shipping costs For orders over 5,000, please call or email for pricing.


Blue, Black, Gray, Orange, Pink, Red, Brown, Custom

Price from $0.001 - $0.99

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 100 -499 $0.99 500 -999 $0.52 1000 -4999 $0.48 5000 -9999 $0.35 10000 -9999998 $0.32 9999999 + $0.001